
  • What’s inside a NeRF?

    What’s inside a NeRF?

    Beyond their main use in the VFX industry, Neural Radiance Fields, (NeRFs) provide an expressive set of artifacts which serve as a visual metaphor for memories of time and space.

  • I can’t even…

    I can’t even…

    Sometimes the world that unfolds in front of my eyes is so mysterious, the notion that I can capture it and have the ability to share it with others feels like a futile pursuit. There is a little pain, also, because that moment will pass and will be lost forever. And come to think of…

  • Perpendicular Time

    Perpendicular Time

    Itโ€™s made of light, wind and water, and it is wedged at an angle perpendicular to the curve that maps the exponentially accelerating clicks of humanityโ€™s metronome.

  • Semantic Granola

    Semantic Granola

    Isolating clusters of meaning in AI through visual ambiguation

  • Chronographs: still images of motion through time

    Chronographs: still images of motion through time

    Chronographs look strange because of the way they expose the patterns time in a way that is not physically possible for us to directly experience but they feel familiar because we have already intuited what they end up revealing in a static coherent image.

  • About


    Thomas Hollier is an artist working with visual data to propose new aesthetic approaches that are more relevant to the electronic medium and more accurately reflect the chaos and contradictions of the Technocene era. In his work, immaterial data, algorithms and digital patterns collide against traditional film techniques and narration codes, creating a dynamic sandbox…